NYU Rudin Center hosts annual Excellence in Transportation event

The NYU Rudin Center for Transportation’s 14th annual Excellence in Transportation event featured Meera Joshi, New York City Deputy Mayor for Operations, and Molly Jong-Fast, political commentator and journalist. At the April 24, 2024 event, leaders engaged in energizing conversations about strengthening mobility for people and goods across the New York Region.

Photos by Howard Heyman 


Meera Joshi delivering remarks

Meera Joshi, NYC Deputy Mayor for Operations, delivered remarks.

Molly Jong-Fast

Molly Jong-Fast, political commentator, delivered the keynote address.


Meera Joshi, Michael Rudin, Molly Jong-Fast, and Sarah Kaufman

Meera Joshi, NYC Deputy Mayor for Operations; Michael Rudin, Co-Co-Chief Executive Officer, Rudin Management Company; Molly Jong-Fast, political commentator; and Sarah Kaufman, Director, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation


Sarah Kaufman, Rick Cotton, Nivardo Lopez, and Marie Therese Dominguez

Sarah Kaufman, Director, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation; Rick Cotton, Executive Director, Port Authority of NY & NJ; Nivardo Lopez, Deputy Secretary for Transportation, New York State; and Marie Therese Dominguez, Commissioner, New York State Department of Transportation


Interactive subway cake

An interactive subway cake was created by Abigail Edgecliffe-Johnson.