Eric Kim

MPA in Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy

Eric Kim

Why did you choose Wagner for graduate school? 

I was working in NYC government and Wagner had an excellent reputation with my colleagues and peers.  I wanted a school that offered a practical, real-world education that I could also fit into my full-time work schedule.  Wagner met those needs perfectly and helped me figure out the different ways I could take an interest in public service to places I did not expect to find.

How did you find your first post-Wagner job? 

One of my classmates was interning at Fitch and as we were both approaching graduation he was kind enough to give me a heads up about some full-time openings. Having that networked connection was so key – and a decade later I think it’s fair to say it worked out pretty well. 

Describe your current job.

My group covers the US municipal market and I specialize in state governments, local governments, and even Canadian provinces - I also spent a few years at Fitch covering education and non-profit institutions like universities, museums, and charter schools. I lead the analysis for a portfolio of government credits including working with the management teams for those governments, writing up rating commentary and special reports, and explaining our views to investors and the media.