Capstone: Learning in Action


NYU Wagner's Capstone program offers your organization an opportunity to have smart, skilled, public service professionals perform valuable research or analyses for you, the client.

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NYU Wagner's Capstone program offers your organization an opportunity to have smart, skilled, public service professionals perform valuable research or analyses for you, the client.

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NYU Wagner's Capstone program offers your organization an opportunity to have smart, skilled, public service professionals perform valuable research or analyses for you, the client.

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About the Capstone program

Part of the core curriculum of NYU Wagner's master’s program, Capstone pairs small teams of students with clients in the nonprofit, government, and private sectors who are tackling a public service issue—whether in health, education, international development, urban planning, or any other programmatic field.

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do you want feedback on your project idea before applying?

Do you have the seed of a project idea? Please submit your early project idea here and you will hear back from us promptly.

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"Our Capstone team was professional, responsive, and enthusiastic about our mission and work. They did a great job implementing their project while having enough flexibility to shift their plans when issues arose."

— Christine Kidd, Director of Program Innovation, Center for Employment Opportunities


Since 1995, more than 6,800 Capstone students have completed over 1,500 projects for more than 1,000 organizations, among them City Harvest, Mount Sinai Health System, the New York City Department of Transportation, and the World Bank. Browse through the projects our student teams have successfully tackled in the past.

Download our 2023-24 Project Summaries Booklet

Download our 2022-23 Project Summaries Booklet

Download our 2021-22 Project Summaries Booklet

Download our 2020-21 Project Summaries Booklet

Download our 2019-20 Project Summaries Booklet

Explore Our Database of Capstone Projects

The Beginning of a Lifelong Journey From Fieldwork in Mozambique to a Career in Social Entrepreneurship

Alicia Polak (MPA 2001), in one of the first Capstone teams to work abroad, partnered with the Freeplay Foundation in Mozambique to perform an impact evaluation on the use of radios as humanitarian aid tools in the flood-affected areas of the country.

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NYU Wagner Urban Planning Capstone Team Develops Interactive Geospatial Tool for Better Buses

The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) enlisted the help of a NYU Wagner Capstone team in 2020-21 to evaluate its project selection methodology through an equity lens. The project’s objective was to determine if its Better Buses projects are equitably distributed and assess whether DOT could do more to reach equity populations 

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