Graduate Assistantships
- Compensation includes partial tuition remission and a stipend.
- Hours worked: 20 hours per week during the academic year.
- GAs are selected during the admissions process.
- Appointments are for one academic year only.
- Only incoming full-time students are eligible.
- To Apply: Applicants must apply by the early action deadline and complete the section of the application that indicates their interest in the GA position.
Research Assistantships
- Compensation varies depending on the role and funding source.
- Hours worked will vary, but will not exceed 20 hours per week during the academic year.
- RAs are hired by the Wagner research centers and institutes. Research assistantship opportunities are announced as they become available, typically at the end of summer or start of each semester.
- Appointments are typically for one year, sometimes renewed.
- Both incoming and continuing students are eligible.
- To Apply: New or continuing students are eligible to apply for Research Assistantships. RA's are hired by the Wagner research centers and institutes and positions are announced as they become available, typically at the end of summer or the start of each semester.
Teaching Assistantships
- Compensation is hourly wage.
- Hours worked will vary but will not exceed 20 hours per week during the academic year.
- Teaching Assistantships are open to continuing students and selected each semester by faculty from among students who have completed the course with a strong performance record.
- Appointments are for the semester, sometimes renewed.