Labor Initiative

NYU Wagner Labor Initiative

Advocacy and research on the role of government in advancing workers’ rights. 

NYU Wagner Labor Initiative

The NYU Wagner Labor Initiative explores, advocates for, and accelerates the often-untapped potential of government in safeguarding and advancing workers' rights. The Labor Initiative helps government work for workers, by serving as a hub of analysis, research, and implementation guidance, as well as idea generation and dissemination, related to the role of government in advancing and protecting workers’ rights. 


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Latest Report

Quick Fixes to Lock in Wins for Workers: How States Can Preserve New Federal Protections by Terri Gerstein and Paul Sonn, in partnership with the NYU Wagner Labor Initiative, the National Employment Law Project, the Center for Labor and a Just Economy, the American Economic Liberties Project, Towards Justice, and the Economic Policy Institute. 

The Biden administration adopted a range of key protections for US workers – from safeguards against extreme heat, to broader overtime pay coverage, to new measures protecting organizing rights. With the upcoming change in the federal administration and pending challenges in the courts, state policymakers who want to preserve these important policies should move quickly to enact recent federal worker wins at the state level in order to protect working families against losing these safeguards. This document is not a comprehensive list of all pro-worker policies that states can pursue in the coming years; rather, it summarizes several key measures that states can quickly lock in to preserve recent progress at the federal level. The authors of this document are available to help adapt these and other recommendations to state-specific contexts.

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workers' rights