Resources for Students

Students often can benefit from professional help in understanding and adjusting to issues they are confronting.  The Wellness Exchange is NYU's extensive network of health and mental health resources.  A 24/7 hotline (212-443-9999) centrally links all of these services and puts students in touch with professionals who can help them to address day-to-day challenges as well as other health-related concerns, including medical issues, academic stress, depression, sexual assault, anxiety, alcohol and other drug dependence, sexually transmitted infections, and eating disorders.  In 2015, the hotline received over 22,000 calls from students themselves but also from faculty, staff, parents, friends and other people who interact with NYU students and are concerned about them. 

As a faculty member, you can help by:

  • Being alert to signs that a student may be in distress or danger.  These indicators include a decline in quality or timeliness of work; repeated unexplained absences or lateness; writings or comments that express despair, rage, or isolation; deterioration in physical appearance or personal hygiene; extreme negative moods, or signs of substance abuse such as alcohol odor or bloodshot eyes.
  • Talking to the student privately if you notice signs of distress.  Express your concern, point out specifically the signs you've observed, and ask what's wrong.  Be patient, supportive, and wary of quick dismissals ("It's nothing, I'm fine.").  You do not have to take on the role of counselor.  Usually, listening carefully should make clear whether a problem interferes with a student's well-being and/or school performance.
  • Suggesting to a student that he or she make use of Wellness Exchange services on his/her own.
  • Referring a student to the Wellness Exchange for help.  If you do find yourself in this situation, be encouraging with the student: explain that counseling doesn't mean someone is crazy or weak ("A lot of students struggle; that's why we have these resources on campus.  You're not alone.").  It may help to point out also that Wellness Exchange services are confidential, free of charge, and do not require that students have health insurance. 

If you have questions at any time, or wish to consult about a student, do not hesitate to contact the Wellness Exchange at (212) 443-9999.  If an immediate assessment of a student is necessary, please know that by calling the hotline, we can send a counselor to your classroom to assist you.  In addition, the Student Health Center has an excellent on-line resource to assist faculty members in dealing with an NYU student who may be having mental health issues or is crisis.  You can also access this website by logging into NYUHome, and clicking on the "NYU Life" tab. If you and your colleagues would like a more in-depth training on identifying students in distress and referring them to appropriate services, please do not hesitate to be in touch with Dr. Zoe Ragouzeos at  Zoe is available to deliver this training at your department or school.   


NYU is committed to maintaining a safe learning and working environment. Given this commitment, we take sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking seriously and have zero tolerance for them. Faculty and staff at NYU (who are not health clinicians or chaplains) must inform the Office of Equal Opportunity of any report of sexual misconduct.

Students can receive immediate 24/7 support for all health and safety needs as well as guidance related to the legal/judicial process by calling 212-443-9999.   There is also extensive information available about NYU's Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking policy, programs and services.

It is University policy that no qualified person be excluded from, or discriminated against, by any University-sponsored program or activity, with a legal mandate for equal inclusion coming primarily from the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Henry and Lucy Moses Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) exists to facilitate equal access for students with disabilities at NYU.

CSD assists students with disabilities in their efforts to obtain reasonable accommodations (adjustments to policy, practice, and programs that “level the playing field” for students with disabilities and provide equal access) for participation in University programs and activities.

Students who are registered with CSD request accommodation letters every semester via the CSD Online Student Portal.  The accommodation letters are then shared electronically with their faculty.  The letter will list the accommodations for which the student is approved, as well as provide additional information about how to work with CSD on the implementation of accommodations.  Departmental contact information is included in each letter should there be questions or concerns.  If a student for whom a faculty member did not receive an accommodation letter requests an accommodation, the student should be referred directly to CSD. 

If a student presents a faculty member with disability documentation, it is strongly suggested that faculty politely decline and refer the student to CSD where the documentation will be appropriately evaluated and maintained.   CSD is always available to meet with a student or consult with faculty.   For further information about the Moses Center, its services, and related issues, visit the Center's website or contact Robyn Weiss at 212.998.4975 or  


The Center for Multicultural Education and Programs (CMEP) and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Student Center provide diversity-related trainings, programs, and resources to support the diverse NYU community in their personal, professional and academic lives.  The staff in both units can serve as a resource to students and faculty when addressing diversity, inclusion, and identity-based matters inside and outside of the classroom.  Join CMEP’s and LGBTQ’s weekly e-newsletters to receive event announcements and campus-based resources.  Please contact Monroe France for assistance at 212-998-4350 or  The Office of Global Spiritual Life also offers valuable support and guidance to faculty and students on religion and spiritual life matters. Please contact Yael Shy at 212-998-2266 or for further assistance.