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Pedagogical Fund & Student Engagement Fund Application Form

Pedagogical Fund & Student Engagement Fund Application Form

The following form is for Pedagogical Fund and Student Engagement Fund Requests.

Application Deadlines: September 16 for Fall and Full Year proposals; December 2 for Spring.

Please note that awarded funds do not rollover from year to year. These funds are to be used within the academic year they are awarded, and any remaining balances will not carry over.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, certain expenses are not permitted. You may view the COVID Expense Policy to identify permissible expenses.


*Pedagogical Funds: Support for non-recurring costs related to teaching not to exceed $1,000 per year may be requested by full-time tenure/tenure-track and clinical faculty via written application to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Applications constitute a brief memorandum stating the pedagogical purpose and a budget detailing how the funds would be spent. These funds cannot be used for student employee salaries.

*Student Engagement Funds: Support for non-recurring costs related to informal engagement between faculty and students not to exceed $500 per year may be requested by full-time tenure/tenure-track and clinical faculty via written application to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Applications constitute a brief memorandum stating the purpose and a budget detailing how the funds would be spent. These funds cannot be used for student employee salaries. Funds may be used for food or alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, but please observe the following guidelines: (1) Students and faculty are advised not to consume alcohol prior to attending class; (2) If alcoholic beverages will be consumed then consumption should not exceed one drink per person; (3) All students in a class must have the opportunity to participate in student engagement activities over the semester; and (4) There must be an RSVP list of students in attendance.

Click here for Special Circumstance Course Assistance Petitions.
Click here to view the Course Assistance Policy.
For all other inquiries related to Course Assistance, please contact Wagner Academic Affairs.

Type of Request

Indicate N/A if not applicable.

Please provide a brief summay of your request here.

Please provide a breakdown of the amount requested and how the funds will be used.

Please upload any documents that will support your request here. 
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.