Database Services
Database Services
We provide database services to support importing contacts and accounts, user training, customized lists for marketing, dashboard and report development, and data integrations with related systems and API portals.
Database Policies
For guidance on administrative management of data, please visit the central NYU data policy site.
Salesforce is the primary contact database for Wagner, housing 90,000+ contact records and 25,000+ accounts from private, nonprofit, and government sectors.
We provide the following Salesforce services:
- Importing contacts and accounts
- User training and support
- Customizing lists for marketing
- Creating dashboards and custom reports
- Implementing data integrations, including connections with Symplicity Careers, NYU University Data Warehouse, and Drupal 8 Web CMS
- Modeling of data
- Creating workflow alerts
- Managing applications to utilize new features of Salesforce
User Access to Salesforce CRM
Faculty and staff may request access to Salesforce by emailing and detailing their intended use. All new users receive a training before they are provided with access to the system.