Guide for Wagner Working Parents

Last Updated: March 19, 2020

General Guidance

  • Embrace flexibility: seek flexible deadlines and flexible working hours. We will support you in what you need to do.
  • Consider taking charge of your calendar: blocking dedicated time for dedicated things (research, projects, schooling oversight, etc). 
  • Be okay with variations in productivity. If you are concerned about a significant drop in your productivity, please email Christina Powell
  • Turn off your chat and walk away from your inbox, as needed.
  • Make sure you make time for yourself, too. Sometimes that may mean, for example,  not logging back into work at night to finish things up after the kids are asleep.
  • If you are an administrator, talk to your supervisor about any and all of the above or anything else you think you need. 


If you are teaching your course with children at home...


Additional Resources

  • General Information for NYU employees (including updated policies around sick leave for an employee who needs to care for a child whose school or childcare provider is closed by order of a public official due to a public health emergency). 
  • From NYU’s Work Life Office
    • Bright Horizons is now offering Crisis Care for adult and child care where families can use family members or friends for caregiving needs and be reimbursed. We are in the process of fixing the page but the information is there go to Bright Horizons on our Work Life page here and scroll down to view Crisis Care.
    • Work Life has a FaceBook page where they will be posting links to resources and Zoom conferences, meetings, events. 
  • For those parents with elementary school-aged children, a popular Facebook page was created by a local mom called “Elementary School Parents - at home social distancing activity ideas” which is full of crowd-sourced content and homeschooling resources. Email Christina Powell for connection. 
  • Please also add any online resources you’ve found here