Capstone Client Application

Capstone Client Application

Thank you for your interest in NYU Wagner's Capstone Program.


To Apply:


1) Read our Capstone Client FAQs.


2) Download and complete the Capstone Client Application.

3) Fill in your contact information, choose the skills relevant to your project, acknowledge your understanding of the proposal guidelines, and upload your completed Capstone Client Application below.

If you have questions about the application process, please send an email to

Application Contact Information
Are you a graduate of NYU Wagner?
If yes, were you a student in the Capstone program?
We strive to make the Capstone program inclusive and accessible to all. Do you require any accommodations over the course of the Capstone project (e.g., live captioning, translator, etc.)?

Please select any and all of the skills listed below that are relevant to your project:

Data Collection
Data Analysis and Synthesis
Organizational Processes
Understanding Of Proposal Guidelines

"I have read and understood the Capstone proposal guidelines in full, including all of the Capstone Client FAQs and mutual expectations, and agree to abide by them. Institutional support for the project is important. Your submission of this proposal form indicates your personal and organizational commitment to the project, including support from the head of your organization, division, or department, as may be applicable."

An engagement fee of $5,000 is suggested for Capstone clients who are selected by a student team. If you are selected, you will receive further communication about the fee at that time. Please check one of the boxes below if you anticipate any obstacles to paying this fee. Your engagement fee goes directly to sustaining the Capstone program.

Client Application Responses
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx.