Supporting Your Students
Student Services Team
Wagner's Student Services team assists students with general and urgent advising matters, including but not limited to: a student’s degree requirements, academic progress issues, how a student might waive a course, and how a student can withdraw from a class in case of a health emergency. Advisors are available to students via email ( and appointments.
Academic Services
Wagner’s Academic Services team provides students with information and technical assistance related to registration issues and the curriculum. Faculty and students can contact Academic Services via email (
Office of Career Services (OCS)
Wagner’s Career Services team supports students and alumni with their professional development. Some of the resources they offer are one-on-one advising, a career directory (with internships, part-time, and full-time positions), employer information sessions, a career expo, funding for summer internships, and much more. Advisors from Career Services are available to students via email ( and appointments.
Students may request a letter of recommendation from you. OCS has developed a best practices guide to help you navigate that ask.
Wasserman Center for Career Development
The NYU Wasserman Center provides career assistance for all NYU students and alumni through career coaching and seminars, job fairs, networking opportunities, guidance for international students, and other services.
Student Groups
Student groups at Wagner facilitate panel discussions, seminars, academic talks, community outreach projects, and social activities that enrich the Wagner experience.
Writing Support
An array of workshops and tutoring are offered throughout the year to Wagner students.
Quantitative Support
In-person and online math review tools and in-person group tutoring are offered every semester.
Skills Workshops
Noncredit workshops on Excel/advanced Excel and citation and research methods are held in both the fall and spring semesters. Students may find the schedule and register via Albert.
Library Resources
NYU's Division of Libraries provides guidance to Wagner students on research methods, literature reviews, qualitative data, and quantitative research software packages. For a directory and workshops offered at Bobst, visit the NYU Library Classes calendar.
Data Services
Data Services offers access, training, and support for specialty software packages for statistical analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), and qualitative data analysis.
If you notice one of your students is struggling (including unexplained absences, decline in quality of work, personality changes), please direct them to one of the resources below and notify the Student Services team.
NYU Wellness Exchange
NYU has extensive student health and mental health resources. A private hotline (212-443-9999) is available 24/7 that connects students with a professional who can help them address day-to-day challenges as well as other health-related concerns.
Student Health Center (SHC)
The SHC offers universal, hassle-free appointment-based and walk-in medical and counseling services at either no or reduced cost to all NYU students, regardless of insurance coverage.
Counseling Services
NYU offers students short-term individual counseling, group counseling, self-improvement classes, referrals, and psychiatric medication services. All services except psychiatric medication services are free of charge.
IDBEA at Wagner
At Wagner we know how important issues of inclusion, diversity, belonging, equity, and accessibility are to what we do as students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We value the multiple perspectives that a diverse community brings to policy discussions, and we emphasize the importance of including a wide range of opinions, perspectives, and experiences to address issues of public importance.
We publish our IDBEA plan and offer many opportunities to engage with activities and planning.
Office of Global Inclusion, Diversity, and Strategic Innovation (OGI)
OGI is dedicated to developing and implementing strategies that advance inclusion, diversity, belonging, equity, and innovation across the entire NYU community.
Moses Center for Student Accessibility
The Moses Center determines qualified disability status and assists students in obtaining appropriate accommodations and services. Its services are designed to encourage independence, backed by a strong system of supports. Any student who needs a reasonable accommodation based on a qualified disability is required to first document and register with The Moses Center for assistance.
Office of Global Services (OGS)
OGS is NYU's central resource for immigration and visa questions. OGS advises on immigration regulations in the US and visas needed outside of the US for NYU purposes.
Center for Multicultural Affairs and Programming (CMEP)
CMEP fosters a more inclusive, aware, and socially just community at NYU and beyond. It's a great resource for students to build dialogue, cultivate allies, and engage in community.
LGBTQ+ Student Center
The Center seeks to create a welcoming environment for all NYU students and faculty interested in accessing support services, resources, programs, advocacy, training, education, and consultation around LGBTQ+ issues.
Global Spiritual Life
Provides connections to religious, spiritual, and interfaith groups on campus, and meditation and mindfulness resources.

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