Selected Projects

Our scholars and researchers are interested in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to enhance leadership practices in the organizations and fields in which they work. These selected research projects are a representation of our efforts in the research and evaluation of leadership. 

For more information on research projects, please visit NYU Wagner faculty pages.

Social Innovation and Democratic Leadership: Communities and Social Change from Below is a book that came from a collaborative study with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which explored the responses of New York City and Barcelona neighborhoods to the economic crisis. Learn more

NYU Wagner’s Collective Leadership Network (Co-Lead Net) is an international network of academics, practitioners and graduate students interested in better understanding collective leadership and helping it gain traction as a force for positive change.  Learn more

The Religion, Civic Leadership, and Democracy in the Public Square project seeks to work with religious communities to promote constructive dialogue and civil discourse. Learn more

The Ford Foundation’s Leadership for a Changing World program recognized approximately 150 social change leaders from 92 organizations across the country to push the national conversation about leadership and feature the role of community leadership. Learn more

This project brought together regional scholars and practitioners to explore their role in cross-sector leadership for public well-being in the Middle East. The working sessions and public events fostered discussions on leadership that transcends sectors, transforms ordinary citizens into change agents, and opens up new public spaces for deliberation and engagement. Learn more

This three-year participatory evaluation of the Women’s World Banking's Center for Microfinance Leadership engaged Center for Microfinance Leadership participants to illuminate the program’s impacts at the individual and organizational levels. Learn more

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations partnered with the RCLA to study learning communities as a vehicle to support grantee learning. Through six case studies, this research provided insights into different types of learning communities, their common challenges, and their role in helping scale effective practices. Learn more

The RCLA partnered with the Mertz Gilmore Foundation to explore the efficacy of creative fundraising and revenue-generation strategies in sustaining nonprofits. This project explored revenue generation from the perspectives of social change organizations, funders, and technical assistance providers. Learn more

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation partnered with NYU Wagner researchers to evaluate the Institute of International Education West Coast Center's Leadership Development for Mobilizing Reproductive Health Program. Using Participatory Action Research methodologies, this evaluation examined the impact of the program on improving health outcomes for vulnerable people. Learn more

NYU Wagner is home to the Gallery Space at Wagner.

Gallery Space

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