Leadership in Action at Wagner

Creating Collaborative Learning Environments

Conducting Research With Leaders
Putting Leadership Theory Into Practice
NYU Wagner Students Deepen Capabilities for Collaborative Impact
Scholars Gather to Explore Methodological Challenges of Collective Leadership Research
In Conversation with Amparo Hofmann-Pinilla, Director of GWSLP
NYU Wagner Introduces New Specialization in Social Impact, Innovation, and Investment
engage in leadership
Leadership in Action at Wagner is a virtual space that brings together a community of practice at NYU Wagner – faculty, administration, staff and students – interested in studying, mobilizing and developing effective leadership in public service.
Please be on the lookout for our Fall 2018 brown bag presentations on leadership development experiences in a variety of contexts. This semester's presenters include:
Oyeshola Olatoye, Wagner visiting Scholar, who served as the 22nd Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the New York Housing Authority (NYCHA), will discuss her experience as a real estate professional (including public housing) turned government official and lessons and strategies for organizational change in a complex environment. Monday, November 26th, 12-1:30 pm in the Lafayette Conference Room. Please RSVP for the event here.
More details on other brown bags and other events will be announced soon.
Learn more about Leadership in Action at Wagner by visiting the above tabs