Strategic Expansion Plan

Cause Effective
Sean Harvey
Elizabeth Carboni, Christina Coury, Brittany Ebendorf, Lauren Peddicord, Melanie Raoul

Cause Effective is a nonprofit consulting firm that works with other nonprofits to develop fundraising strategies. It is currently considering ways to expand its client base to diversify and stabilize its own income streams. The Capstone team was engaged to collect insights into new market opportunities, particularly larger clients that can pay for services directly. To do so, the team interviewed staff, Board Members, and close associates about Cause Effective’s current capacity. The Capstone team also spoke with current and past clients, decision makers at larger nonprofits, and competing consulting firms to identify opportunities and threats that might be faced in this new market. Additionally, the team sent a survey to 150 larger NYC nonprofits to gain further insight about their relationship with consultants and conducted a focus group to test preliminary recommendations. The final report provided tiered recommendations and highlighted how Cause Effective might adapt to serve this market, and stay true to its current mission.