This Advanced Certificate offers knowledge and skills for financial managers in healthcare organizations. This Advanced Certificate will allow you to conduct financial analysis, and understand issues of budgeting, cost determination, pricing, and rate setting in a healthcare environment. It also provides a solid understanding of the economic principles in the context of the field of healthcare.

Students must complete 15 credits to obtain this Advanced Certificate. The curriculum is designed to be completed in two to three semesters, however students may take up to three years.

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Required Courses:

Students must complete the following courses (12 credits):

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
CORE-GP.1021 Financial Management None Fall, Spring, Summer 3
HPAM-GP.2845 Advanced Health Care Payment Systems HPAM-GP.4830 and HPAM-GP.4840, HPAM-GP.4130 concurrently Spring 3
HPAM-GP.4830 Health Economics: Principles CORE-GP.1011, CORE-GP.1018 Spring 1.5
HPAM-GP.4831 Health Economics: Topics in Domestic Health Policy CORE-GP.1011, CORE-GP.1018, HPAM-GP.4830 Spring 1.5
HPAM-GP.4840 Financial Management for Health Care Orgs - I: Financial Management and Budgeting CORE-GP.1018 and CORE-GP.1021 Fall 1.5
HPAM-GP.4841 Financial Management for Health Care Orgs - II: Capital Financing and Advanced Issues CORE-GP.1018, CORE-GP.1021, and HPAM-GP.4840 Fall 1.5


Students must also complete one course from the following (3 credits):

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
PADM-GP.2143 Government Budgeting CORE-GP.1011, CORE-GP.1018, and CORE-GP.1021 Spring 3
PADM-GP.2144 Debt Financing and Management for Public Organizations CORE-GP.1021 Fall 3

Three credits of coursework may be substituted from another NYU Wagner course (including another field/area of specialization) with approval.


Prerequisite Courses:

Students must waive the following courses if they are prerequisites to any of the above courses. If a student is unable to waive a course below, they must take it in addition to the 15 credits required for the Advanced Certificate.

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
CORE-GP.1011 Statistical Methods None Fall, Spring, Summer 3
CORE-GP.1018 Microeconomics None Fall, Spring 3


Authoritative curriculum information can be found exclusively in the University Bulletin. All other content, including this webpage, is for informational purposes only. You can find the curriculum for this program on this page of the Bulletin
