Diana Sera

MPA in Health Policy & Management


How would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student?

NYU Wagner provided me with the inspiration, space and expertise that I needed to excel in my career in international development working at UNICEF. I was also encouraged by my classmates. Meeting people from several countries, cultures, different experiences, failures, and successes, was a huge inspiration for me. Wagnerds are always in search of how to improve society, their own self development, neverending learning, being humble, and how they can learn from others.

Describe your current job.

As Evaluation Specialist at UNICEF, I provide technical assistance support to UNICEF’s corporate evaluations, which include: the Evaluation of UNICEF’s Level 3 Response to the emergency in the Democratic of Congo (DRC), Evaluation of UNICEF’s Social Protection programming (including cash-based programming) in humanitarian situations, and the Evaluation of UNICEF’s work for children in cities.

How did your experiences at NYU Wagner prepare you for your career?

Several classes that I took at NYU Wagner, including Policy Analysis and Evaluation, Estimating Impacts in Policy Research, Global Health Governance, Microeconomics, Multiple Regression and Managing Public Services Organizations, were crucial in honing my expertise in these areas, and in what I’m currently doing on a daily basis. Wagner also provided me the exposure and network into the UN system via an internship with UNICEF’s Programme Division at the New York headquarters.