Emily Ryder Perlmeter

MPA in Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy

Emily Ryder Perlmeter

Why did you choose Wagner for graduate school?

NYU’s reputation is obviously excellent, but it wasn’t until I visited Wagner that I knew it was right for me. During Admitted Students Day, I realized how active, involved, and integrated into the city the students were. Everyone I met had at least one job or internship while in school. And that is exactly what I wanted for my Master’s program.

How did your Wagner experience prepare you professionally for what you are doing today?

Wagner’s coursework was a perfect match for the job I have! I know for a fact I would not have gotten my first interview or the job offer without my policy analysis experience including higher-level statistics and econometrics courses. But I also doubt I would have been prepared had I not gotten the grounded, real-world experience that Wagner exposed me to. In my current position, analysis of economic development and financial systems is not theoretical but complex, interconnected and real.

Describe your current job.

I am the Analyst for the Community Development Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. I’m responsible for analyzing trends in credit and finance, affordable housing, small business and economic development in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, and assessing the impact of policies and programs on low- and moderate-income communities. I perform data analysis, work on long-term research projects, and conduct outreach in an effort to stabilize neighborhoods and improve economic security for all households.