Stephanie Mavronicolas
Executive Master of Public Administration-Public Service Leaders

What led you to your current organization/role?
I credit my experience at NYU Wagner with helping to form my path to working in the public sector in affordable housing finance. While I was completing my Masters, I was able to gain exposure to City government and nonprofit sector work focused on community planning and development. This was really made possible thanks to an incredible and supportive network of peers at Wagner.
What public service impact do you hope to make through your organization and/or career?
At HDC, we are helping to create a more fair and equitable city through the financing of affordable housing. Our city is in a challenging moment given the economic impacts of the pandemic. I am looking forward to seeing what we are able to accomplish in months and years ahead and am confident we will be able to look back and see that we've made a tangible impact on the economic recovery of our city.
What about your work is most fulfilling to you?
I have always appreciated work that is varied, unpredictable, and impactful. While at the New York Mercantile Exchange / CME Group, I really appreciated the impact that my work had on fostering greater regulatory efficiencies in the global trading marketplace. Now that I am in public service, the impact is that much greater. At HDC, we are helping to provide greater opportunity and better quality of life to everyday New Yorkers. That makes getting up to go to work everyday easy. It's challenging work, but it's a fulfilling experience.
What are you most proud of professionally?
I am honestly really proud of my team and colleagues at HDC, and our industry partners. The affordable housing industry is filled with an incredible group of bright and knowledgeable professionals who work extremely hard to address the very real and complex challenges faced by our city. I'm proud to be working with so many thoughtful people who are dedicated to making our city a better place to live.