Beyond the Battlefields: Proven Approaches to Halving Global Violence

Presented by the Office of International Programs, Center for International Cooperation

5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
General Public
October 16, 2024
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Faculty Seminar Room Combined, 364, 105 East 17th Street
General Public

Join NYU Wagner’s Professor John Gershman and Center on International Cooperation’s Daniel Friedman and Luisa Portugal on a conversation about their recently released report “Beyond the Battlefields: Practical Strategies to Halving Global Violence in Our Homes, Streets, and Communities.

The report summarizes over three years of work from the Halving Global Violence Task Force, a group of world leaders and experts from multiple sectors committed to obtaining significant progress on preventing and reducing global violence by 2030. The report presents a new and in-depth look at the prevalence and costs of violence and identifies proven, innovative approaches to achieve the ambitious goal of cutting global violence in half. It presents strategies to dramatically reduce violence where it is frequently overlooked, but most often occurs and where there is the greatest promise for a return of investment: in our homes, streets, and communities.

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Beyond the Battlefields: Proven Approaches to Halving Global Violence; blurred purple tinted photograph of single hand blocking camera in background.