Dismantling Racial Capitalism Roundtable with Olufemi Taiwo

Presented by Urban Democracy Lab, in partnership with NYU Law's Center for Race, Inequality and the Law and Initiative for Community Power

2:00pm - 4:00pm EST
General Public
December 04, 2023
2:00pm - 4:00pm
General Public

Urban Democracy Lab, in partnership with NYU Law's Center for Race, Inequality and the Law and Initiative for Community Power formed a committee on Dismantling Racial Capitalism in late 2021. Last Fall, they held a day-long convening of scholar-activists and organizers to discuss three themes: environmental justice, reparations/ economic justice and housing. This fall they will continue those efforts. This will be a roundtable discussion with leaders on dismantling racial capitalism. Olufemi Taiwo, philosopher, professor and author who has recently written two widely acclaimed books: “Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else)” and “Reconsidering Reparations,” which focuses in part on the climate crisis agreed to join us as the anchor speaker in December for an invite only roundtable for about 40 people.

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