Fall 2020 Conflict Series - Turning Points Within the Humanitarian Sector: Are Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter Finally Forcing Change?

Co-presented by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU Law School, the Center for Global Affairs at NYU's School for Professional Studies, The Program in International Relations at NYU's GSAS, the Robert L. Bernstein Institute for Human Rights, and the Office of International Programs at NYU Wagner

12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT
General Public
September 22, 2020
12:30pm - 1:30pm
General Public

Each Tuesday, the Conflict, Security, and Development Series will examine new research, discuss creative policy approaches, and highlight recent innovations in responding to the challenges of security and development in conflict and post-conflict situations.

For 25 years the aid sector has endlessly tried to reform itself. But change has not come easily. Jessica Alexander, global aid professional and the editor of The New Humanitarian’s Rethinking Humanitarianism series, will discuss how new pressures and operating models brought on by the post-COVID landscape and #BLM may be enough to push through reforms that had been slow to take hold until now. 


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Conflict Series