Fall 2023 Conflict Series - States and Nature: The Effects of Climate Change on Security
Each Tuesday, the Conflict, Security, and Development Series will examine new research, discuss creative policy approaches, and highlight recent innovations in responding to the challenges of security and development in conflict and post-conflict situations.
This week, we are excited to have Joshua Busby, Professor of Public Affairs, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at UT Austin, will talk about his new book States and Nature: The Effects of Climate Change on Security (Cambridge: 2022) and explore why climate change leads to negative security outcomes in some places and not others. He will draw from paired cases in his book, examining why drought led to famine in Somalia but not neighboring Ethiopia in the 2010s, why drought contributed to civil war in Syria but not neighboring Lebanon in the 2000s, and why Myanmar experienced such widespread mortality after exposure to severe cyclones but neighboring Bangladesh and India have not in recent years. He will explore how state capacity, political inclusion, and foreign aid intersect to lead to different dynamics in different contexts.
Book discount code: BUSBY2022