Nicole Stephens: A Conversation on Increasing the Success of First-Generation and Low-Income Students

Presented as part of the Dean's Initiative on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

9:00am - 10:00am EST
January 31, 2019
9:00am - 10:00am

Professor Nicole Stephens is a leading authority on how to recruit, retain, and increase the success of first-generation and low-income students. Professor Stephens' award-wining research in universities, emergency response organizations, and nonprofit organizations has helped explain the cultural and structural barriers that can inadvertently dampen students and employees' success. Professor Stephens and her colleagues have furthermore shown interventions that overcome theses barriers--for example, eliminating the GPA gap between first-gen students and non-first-gen students at a large university. 


Wagner students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us in discussing how we can apply Professor Stephens' research at Wagner. Space is extremely limited. Please RSVP only if you intend to attend.

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