Professor Pop Up - Natasha Iskander

Presented by The Urban Planning Program

3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
General Public
November 12, 2024
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Mulberry Conference Room, 105 East 17th Street
General Public

As a way to spotlight our outstanding faculty, we’ve created the brand-new Professor Pop Up series, which highlights an MUP faculty member and their area of expertise.

Please join us in celebrating Professor Natasha Iskander. Professor Iskander conducts research on the relationship between migration and economic development. We welcome all Wagner students to engage with Professor Iskander over snacks and learn about her work on the relationship between climate change, migration, and urbanization. Additionally, Professor Iskander will discuss her upcoming elective for Spring 2025 - URPL-GP.2666: Water Sourcing and Climate Change.

Professor Iskander will present on her career and research, then open the conversation to students for an informal Q&A. We are excited to highlight Professor Iskander's work, and we hope to see you all there!

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