Anders Jensen

Visiting Scholar

Anders Jensen

Anders Jensen is an Associate Professor of Public Policy in the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Anders’ research focuses on governments and development, with an emphasis on state capacity, equity and policy implementation. One line of his work studies the factors that shape state capacity and policy choices over the long run of development. A second line of work consists in conducting policy-research collaborations with public and private in-country partners; the starting point is the specific context, institutions and structures of a given country and the objective is to identify policy problems and generate rigorous evidence that enables the design and implementation of effective policy solutions. Anders has on-going collaborations with governments, private sector firms and civil society organizations in Ghana, Mexico, Pakistan, Rwanda and South Africa.

Anders received his PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics and was a post-doctoral fellow at NBER before joining the Kennedy School. Anders is also the research director of the State program at the International Growth Centre, a Faculty Research Fellow at NBER, and an International Research Associate at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. He is the senior editor at VoxDev for taxation (the most recent review can be accessed here).