Inga Furuness, MPA, BSN, RN is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Administration at
NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. She is also the Assistant Director for Emergency Management at NYC Health + Hospitals, New York City’s municipal healthcare system, where over a million New Yorkers receive care annually. Her focus areas involve applying her clinical and analytics experience to the hospital system’s emergency planning and response. Prior to her role at NYC Health + Hospitals, she held various roles as a Registered Nurse in acute and outpatient maternal-child health, primary, urgent and managed care. She holds a MPA in health policy and management from NYU Wagner, where she specialized in quantitative analysis for healthcare management. Her professional passions involve contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery by examining the systems through which care is delivered. In her spare time, she likes to exercise, bake, and go to the beach whenever it’s warm.