Patrick J. Egan

Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Politics and Public Policy, NYU Wilf Family Department of Politics

(212) 992-8078
(212) 995-4184
Wilf Family Department of Politics, 19 W. 4th Street, Room 327
Patrick J. Egan

Patrick J. Egan, Professor of Politics and Public Policy at NYU, specializes in U.S. political attitudes and behavior, and their consequences for public policy, partisanship and identity. He is author of Partisan Priorities: How Issue Ownership Drives and Distorts American Politics (Cambridge University Press), and his peer-reviewed research has appeared in journals including Nature, the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and the British Journal of Political Science. Egan is a recipient of the NYU Golden Dozen Award in recognition for outstanding contributions to learning in the classroom, and he served on the committee of faculty and administrators that created the undergraduate Public Policy major offered jointly by Wagner and NYU’s College of Arts and Science.

Egan holds a Ph.D. in political science from UC Berkeley, a master’s degree in public affairs from Princeton, and a BA from Swarthmore College. Before entering academia, he served as an Assistant Deputy Mayor of Policy and Planning in the office of Philadelphia Mayor Edward Rendell. He covers presidential elections and primaries for NBC News as an elections analyst with the network's Exit Poll Desk team.