Sarah Ludwig

Adjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning

By appointment only
Sarah Ludwig photo

Sarah Ludwig recently stepped down as the co-director of New Economy Project, an organization she launched in 1995, then led and co-led for the next 28 years. Based in NYC, New Economy Project seeks to build an economy rooted in racial and economic justice, cooperation, neighborhood equity, and ecological sustainability. A leader in the movement for community financial justice and neighborhood equity, Ms. Ludwig has testified at numerous public hearings, trained countless community organizers and advocates, and built effective city- and state-wide coalitions that address manifestations of structural racism in communities, and other systemic inequities in our economy. Ms. Ludwig has received numerous awards in recognition of her work, and currently serves the board of directors of the Center for Responsible Lending. She has been an adjunct professor at NYU Wagner School since 2003, teaching courses in community equity and wealth building, public policy, and politics of New York (as well as several urban planning Capstone courses, back in the day). Ms. Ludwig is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College, received a master’s degree in urban planning from NYU Wagner, and a law degree from NYU School of Law, where she was an Arthur Garfield Hays Civil Liberties Fellow.