311 Customer Satisfaction: Assessing Awareness and Understanding

New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Dennis Smith and Ana Oliveira
"Marina Alekseyenko, Michelle Beller, Meredith Moore"

"311 is New York City's phone number for government information and non­emergency services. The Capstone team effectively measured the public's experience with the services provided by 311 through an online survey on nyc.gov and a phone customer satisfaction survey. The team also interviewed various stakeholders to gauge their awareness and understanding of 311 in order to define their expectations and measure their satisfaction. The need to assess 311 – what it is and what it is not – across various groups of stakeholders is important to understanding and recognizing different stakeholders' definitions of customer satisfaction. The Capstone team conducted interviews and research, and designed two customer satisfaction surveys. Based on the results of the surveys, the Capstone team made recommendations that serve to enhance and expand 311's customer service delivery and marketing. "