Advancing Research and Best Practices for Nonprofit Associate Boards

Sabine Toussaint
Gabrielle Gallo, Luke Jones, Emma Ruben, Rachel Schultz

CariClub is a New York City-based social enterprise that uses an online technology platform to connect talented young professionals to nonprofit organizations seeking to fill associate board positions. The Capstone team was tasked with producing some of the first qualitative studies in the industry on what mechanisms contribute to the measurable success of an associate board. The team conducted a gap analysis to identify and recommend specific offerings that CariClub could provide. The team further conducted a landscape analysis, created and administered a qualitative survey, and held interviews with nonprofit professionals. Based on its findings, the team compiled a final report detailing which factors contribute to the measurable success of a nonprofit associate board. The team presented its findings and recommendations to CariClub on how it can become a leading source of support for nonprofits seeking to establish and grow their associate boards.

Capstone Year