Advancing Resiliency: A Green Stormwater Mitigation Plan

Sustainable Long Island and the City of Long Beach, NY
Michael Keane
Brandon Budelman, Staci Haber, Kevin Schmidt, Lyndsey Scofield, Bob Tuttle

Following Superstorm Sandy, the City of Long Beach began a comprehensive planning process to determine appropriate solutions for minimizing the impact of severe weather events. The Capstone team was tasked with creating a green stormwater mitigation plan to be implemented in the short- to medium-term that would complement the large-scale infrastructure projects under development. The team’s plan illustrated a range of successful green infrastructure techniques which were then applied within the context of four land uses: streets, lots with buildings, parks and open spaces, and parking lots. In its final report, the Capstone team included a cost-benefit analysis of the green infrastructure techniques and policy recommendations for the City of Long Beach to consider in their efforts to build a more resilient stormwater network.