Analysis of Financial Vehicles for Sustainable infrastructure

Bloomberg Associates
Brian David
Daniel Coates, Yaqi Lei, Zhuoran Li, Sabaa Modi, Juan Xu
Bloomberg Associates is a philanthropic international consulting firm aimed at helping city governments improve quality of life for their citizens. The Bloomberg Associates Sustainability Practice (BASP) works with client cities to find ways to finance sustainability solutions, including distributed and large-scale infrastructure. BASP engaged a Capstone team to assist in evaluating financing methods for sustainable infrastructure programs, and to develop a financing strategy for the City of Nashville to implement energy efficient solutions in low-income residential buildings. The team conducted an initial literature review, interviewed economic and financial experts, and collected additional data. The team identified new methods of financing, key barriers, and enabling conditions for infrastructure projects such as building retrofits, recycling expansion, energy distribution, stormwater management, and prevention of coastal and riverine flooding. The team produced a comprehensive analysis of financial vehicles available to cities worldwide, and their research will be used in evaluating energy efficiency in Memphis and Knoxville.
Focus Areas
Capstone Year