Analyzing Traffic Management Issues in Lima, Peru

Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management
Paul Smoke
Vincent Philip, Sarah Lansdale Rudaitis

As urbanization and population continue to increase in Latin America, the capacity of existing transportation systems to provide safe, clean, and effective transportation will be surpassed. In turn, those functions dependent on transportation— economic development, quality of life, and urban vitality—will suffer. The Capstone team focused on Lima where traffic is chaotic, with thoroughfares congested most of the day, high journey costs and times, and the highest accident rate in Latin America. The challenges facing Lima are: the consolidation of urban transportation policy; consolidation of the regulatory setting of the Municipal Urban Transportation Office; and training the public bodies directly involved in the transportation sector. As a result of this research, the team will convene transportation leaders in the United States and officials from Lima through a televideo conference to discuss initial findings.