Assessment of food waste disposal in New York City

Office of the Manhattan Borough President
Karen Schlain
Qili Ding, Soo Youn Kim, Katherine H. Krehbiel, Padmapriya Janakiraman

Food waste accounts for 31 percent of total NYC waste. Currently, food waste is collected by trucks and transported to landfills. Given land shortages, and the adverse environmental effects of landfills, the Office of the Manhattan Borough President (MBPO) is considering in-sink food waste disposers (FWD) as an alternative. This is a relatively new idea in NYC; therefore, the potential response to such a change is poorly understood. MBPO requested a Capstone team to investigate challenges to introducing in-sink FWD to NYC multi-family residences. After conducting an extensive literature review and stakeholder interviews, the group presented a feasibility report describing the political, financial, and social impact of introducing in-sink FWD.