Baton Rouge Neighborhood Revitalization: Generating Community Value and Prioritizing Self-governance

NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management
Kevin Hansen
Faizah Barlas, Naquita Goldston, Maya Portillo

The NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management (Marron Institute) conducts innovative applied research, working with cities to take on critical challenges of urban living. The Marron Institute and LabGov Georgetown, an applied research center at the McCourt School of Public Policy, have partnered with Build Baton Rouge (BBR), the redevelopment authority of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to pilot a multistakeholder approach to economic revitalization in Baton Rouge’s Plank Road corridor. The Marron Institute engaged a Capstone team to research zwealth that provide self-governance. The team conducted extensive research, interviewed practitioners and experts, and traveled to Baton Rouge to engage with local community members, BBR, and other stakeholders. The team’s research culminated in a comprehensive report including an in-depth scan of governance and financing models, a portfolio of potential models for Baton Rouge, and the team’s implementation recommendations to best serve the Plank Road corridor.

Capstone Year