Building a Sustainable Brooklyn Central YMCA

YMCA of Greater New York
Tony Kovner and Melissa Robbins
Nick Atwood, Melissa Castillo, Sonya Choudhury, Julia Fiumano, Rebecca Lawrence, Chymeka Olfonse, Vicki Vowell, Amanda Wolf

The YMCA of Greater New York, as part of its capital campaign to build or renovate facilities in the five boroughs, plans to expand the Brooklyn Central YMCA branch by opening a new site. The Capstone team was asked to advise the YMCA on how to proceed with programming and pricing decisions for the new site, expected to open in 2004. The Capstone team examined different aspects of market competition and developed a needs assessment survey. The survey was administered to Brooklyn community leaders in order to determine which programs and services would best suit the needs of a diverse work population and residential community along the Atlantic Street corridor in Brooklyn, as well as the needs of the YMCA. As a result of the needs assessment survey, the Capstone team made programming and pricing recommendations in addition to communications strategies and information pertaining to the YMCA's secondary goal of enhancing and expanding the Brooklyn Central Advisory Board.