Campaign to End Forced Disappearances in Syria

Freedom Forward
Giuliano Bosi
Pooja Banerjee, Hannah Egerton, James Macdonald, Julia McDaniel- Bouley
Freedom Forward is an advocacy organization based in Washington, DC that seeks to end US alliances with dictatorships and other non- democratic governments around the world and to organize solidarity activists to challenge the practices of repressive governments in the Middle East and North Africa. The organization engaged a Capstone team to develop a grassroots strategy for bringing international awareness to the Russian government’s role in the ongoing human rights abuses being committed in Syria and put pressure on the Russian government to end its support for the Assad regime in Syria. The team conducted in-depth research through literature reviews, focus groups, and interviews with Syrian civil society organizations and activists around the world. The team also designed and developed an international advocacy campaign around the 2018 World Cup in Russia. When launched, the campaign will raise awareness and encourage action around the disappearance, detention, and killing of political opponents by the Assad regime in Syria.
Capstone Year