Care Consultants: Improving Communication and Collaboration for the Allen Hospital and its Community
The Capstone team was engaged by New York Presbyterian (NYP) to develop a strategy to improve communication and collaboration at Allen Hospital. There are approximately 5,000 nursing home beds and a substantial elderly population in the local community surrounding Allen Hospital, and NYP wants to better coordinate the care of the geriatric patient in the hospital with the providers in the community. The team performed a literature review on communication among providers and continuity of care; researched health care reform and Accountable Care Organizations; conducted interviews with nurses, doctors, clerks, and patients; and observed the emergency room at Allen Hospital. In addition, the team reviewed the social work process and assessed the hospital website to determine whether it could better connect patients and providers. As a final deliverable, the Capstone team improved the initial visit data processing system and built a framework for participating in community activities and linkages between outside organizations and the hospital. The team's final recommendations build awareness of community resources and empower patients and providers to remain informed and connected.