Creating an Inclusive Green Collar Workforce: Opportunities for Building Service Workers in a Greening Economy

Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ
Charles Brecher
Nick Prigo, Devang Panchal, Sindri McDonald, Jen Perrone, Judith Mun, Aaron Ampaw

SEIU Local 32BJ is the largest building service workers union in the country, representing more than 100,000 cleaners, doormen, porters, maintenance workers, window cleaners, security guards, superintendents, and theater/stadium workers. Now entering a critical planning phase, Local 32BJ requested a Capstone team to analyze how the movement towards energy efficient green buildings can open up new job opportunities for workers, provide a career ladder for current workers via training for green industries, and secure higher wages and benefits. To accomplish this, the Capstone team researched green building technologies, forecasted potential changes in job responsibilities, analyzed current training programs, and identified legislation that would help the union accomplish its goals. This information was then compiled and analyzed to produce a report of findings and recommendations that Local 32BJ can use to prepare and position it to benefit from a greening of the United States? economy.