Creating a Strategic Plan for Reducing Road Traffic Injuries in Africa

Steven Schall, Katherine Bourne
Jessie Gonthier, Jasmine Huerta, Steven Kohn, James Neuhaus, Chinwe Uba

Amend is a nonprofit organization addressing the epidemic of road-traffic injuries in African countries; its main service provides road safety education to school children, who bear a heavy burden of these injuries. Although Amend believes strongly in the value of this education, fundraising efforts may not support the organization’s long-term growth. As a result, Amend contracted the Capstone team to explore the option of opening a for-profit consulting branch that expands its range of services in the road safety field. The Capstone team developed a strategic plan for the organization, taking into account the market for road safety as well as Amend’s abilities to provide these services. Using the Capstone team’s recommendations, Amend’s consulting branch can earn a profit and funnel these funds back to the nonprofit branch, creating a sustainable cycle of funding for their true priority: educating children on road safety to save lives.