Dasve Mobility Plan - Lavasa Transit Management Assessment

Lavasa Corporation
Ana Marie Argilagos & Robin Ried
Rupert Verano, Jad Andari, Maria Landa, Sana Riaz

Hindustan Construction Company (HCC) is one of India’s largest infrastructure development companies, responsible for the construction of bridges, dams, road networks, and power plants. Expanding on its infrastructure development practice, HCC is currently constructing Lavasa – a privately planned and operated hill city in the state of Maharashtra. Lavasa is being planned according to the principles of New Urbanism, which promote walkable and inclusive cities. This hill city is expected to receive a large amount of visitors every year, adding pressures to the existing road network and creating traffic congestion. In order to respond to the needs of the growing number of residents and visitors, Lavasa’s planners engaged a Capstone team to evaluate its transportation challenges, recommend strategies to enhance pedestrian mobility, and better manage vehicular traffic. To accomplish this task, the team interviewed Lavasa town planners and administrators, surveyed the area, and reviewed best practices around the world in mobility and transportation management. The team’s final report outlined recommendations to streamline mobility and integrate smart technology in Lavasa’s transit management.