Defining and Demonstrating Purpose: Performance Measurement and Management

Sauti Yetu Center for African Women
Ana Oliveira
Catherine Ang, Jessica Mowles, Malini Trivedi, Cora Weissbourd, Allison Wood

Sauti Yetu (SY) is a community-based nonprofit in the South Bronx. Their Girls Empowerment and Leadership Initiative (GELI) aims to empower African immigrant girls through academic tutoring, facilitated peer connections, and holistic support. The Capstone team was asked to design a performance measurement and management system to allow SY to more effectively communicate GELI’s activities and outcomes to stakeholders. The team began by conducting secondary and primary research in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the program. With this research, the team created a logic model to serve as the foundation for GELI’s performance measurement system. Next, the team developed culturally competent indicators and measurement tools for GELI, designed a database for tracking program activities and outcomes, and provided orientation for SY staff in implementation and use of the system. Finally, the team presented SY with recommendations to strengthen their performance management system.