Developing Educational Tools to Increase Breast, Cervical, and Colon Cancer Awareness in the Queens and Harlem Communities

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Cancer Prevention and Control Program
John Donnellan
Anne Hottle, Laura Rich, Melissa See, Kim ShaoWen Wang

Over 13,000 New Yorkers die of cancer annually. In 2004, NYC's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) launched a citywide health policy initiative called Take Care New York, listing cancer screening as a top 10 agenda item. Specifically, breast, cervical, and colon cancers can be effectively detected through early screening mechanisms. Although the city has made some progress increasing these screening rates, some neighborhoods lag behind, including parts of Queens and Harlem. To help facilitate the DOHMH's goal, the Capstone team conducted research in target neighborhoods via surveys and focus groups to develop effective educational tools that are culturally appropriate and encourage diverse populations to participate in the recommended early cancer screening regimen. Based on the research collected, the team developed prototypes of two promotional tools and devised recommendations for implementing relevant public health education interventions.