Developing Financial Models for Programmatic Stability

Greencorps Chicago
Brian David
Matthew Bender, Zun Geng, Katsiaryna Supino, Yinlingyan Wang
Greencorps Chicago (GC) provides green industry job training programs for individuals in Chicago with barriers to employment. GС participants receive a stable income, work experience, training and certification, and wraparound services to improve their likelihood of sustaining employment upon the culmination of the program. GС currently operates as a public-private partnership between the City of Chicago and a local landscaping firm, providing landscaping and ecological restoration services to other government agencies and entities. However, the current structure does not provide the organization with consistent and predictable revenue streams. GС enlisted a Capstone team to review and build financial models that would provide GС with greater financial and programmatic stability. The team conducted a literature review; interviewed peer organizations; and analyzed GC’s structure, finances, and market position. Based on their findings, the team delivered a final report to GС recommending a structural model that best positions the program for financial sustainability and program expansion.
Focus Areas
Capstone Year