Developing an Information Portal for NYC’s Public and Non-Profit Sector

City Limits Community Information Service, Inc
David Hansell and Regina R. Quattrochi
Nicole Banks, Fred Corden, Juana Hines, Kimberly MacNeill, Rupal Patel and Mark Yoshiyama

City Limits Community Information Service, Inc. (City Limits) is a non-profit organization committed to providing independent journalism and investigative research and analysis to those advocating for a more equitable New York City. The Capstone team was asked to develop an action plan to help City Limits expand its capacity as an Internet resource for nonprofit agencies, public policy makers, and individuals working to revitalize neighborhoods throughout the five boroughs of New York City. The Capstone team: 1) designed and administered a written survey to City Limits’ existing reader base; 2) conducted telephone interviews with the magazines’ subscribers and non-subscribers; 3) collected and analyzed data from the surveys and interviews, as well as internal (SWOT) and external (PEST) analyses; 4) made recommendations about the directions City Limits should take to position themselves as the primary home page for New York City’s public and nonprofit sector.