Developing tools and cases to promote public sector reform and service delivery under decentralization

European Commission Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - Improving Local Public Sector Reform and Service Delivery
Paul Smoke
Kirantaja Chadalawala, Emil Fraija, Xiaoxiao Wu, Yating Zhao

The European Union Thematic Program on Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities is part of EuropeAid’s Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) for 2014-2020. It is being developed to support multi-actor approaches and inclusive partnerships for poverty eradication and sustainable development. The program aims to help Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) respond to population needs, and encourage inclusive policy making at different levels. Program activities encourage CSOs and LAs to interact in innovative ways, thus facilitating local public policy making and better development outcomes. The Capstone team worked with EuropeAid’s Civil Society and Local Authorities Unit to develop a series of sector-specific background papers and case studies. This work provided direction and guidance for EuropeAid programs designed to strengthen decentralization and local governance in the areas of health, education, local economic development, social protection, infrastructure, transportation, agriculture, and food security.