Development of Training Recommendations for Partner Organizations in Peru

Global Goods Partners
Charles Bailey and David Winder
Baaba Amoah, Gabrielle Goldman, Lizbeth Mckeever, Sarah Rahman, Jin (Valentina) Zhang

Global Goods Partners (GGP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating effective, income-generating opportunities for marginalized women and their communities through access to the consumer market for handmade and fair trade artisan crafts. Recognizing that partners require training to improve their production processes, GGP requested a Capstone team to assess the overall needs of three artisan partners. The team conducted a needs assessment by visiting three partners in Peru where they studied communities and their craft enterprises. The team collected information about training methods employed by GGP and other entities and aggregated a pool of training options in use by other women’s artisan communities. The final report included recommendations and training options in four distinct areas: design and production; business and financial management; organizational management; and operations management. Recommendations sought to both improve and strengthen relationships between GGP and its artisan partners and identified available avenues toward more effective, more valuable trainings.