Diverse Recruitment

East Harlem Tutorial Program
Sara Grant and Merle McGee
Conor Bevan, Katherine Hartman, Braeden Mayrisch, Richard Tran, Julia Ward

The East Harlem Tutorial Program (EHTP) is a nonprofit organization that works with students in East Harlem to achieve academic and personal success and to become future community leaders. Due to a variety of factors in the education reform space, EHTP is currently experiencing rapid expansion. As the organization is currently adding one class grade per year to its charter schools, it must hire additional staff and volunteers to meet growing needs. EHTP enlisted the help of a Capstone team to develop a recruitment strategy. The team conducted research of teachers and volunteers at the organization, as well as local and national peer organizations, to identify effective recruitment methods. Using this data, the team produced an enhanced recruitment strategy and implementation plan to ensure the diverse makeup of EHTP is able to mirror the makeup of East Harlem in terms of race, ethnicity, and personal and professional background, as the organization continues to undergo accelerated expansion.