Evaluation of an Adolescent Clinical Weight Loss Program

Bronx Nutrition and Fitness Initiative for Teens (B'N Fit)
John Donnellan
Allie Nudelman, Cynthia Chen, Naomi Wychules, Levita Lowe, Fuwing Lee

The Bronx Nutrition and Fitness Initiative for Teens (B'N Fit) is a comprehensive weight-loss intervention program within the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Montefiore Children's Hospital. The B?N Fit staff has initiated a program evaluation and requested that the Capstone team assess the progress of program participants and develop a model to evaluate improvements in risk of obesity-related co-morbidities. The staff also enlisted the team to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine if the results seen thus far justify the current use of resources. The team compiled and analyzed changes in metabolic and anthropometric outcomes after the program intervention, and created a mediation model to evaluate the effect of these changes on overall risks for obesity-related co-morbidities. The team also organized financial data from the program and developed a ratio to compare total weight lost or maintained to program cost. A qualitative review was conducted of other adolescent weight-loss programs throughout the country to ascertain best practices. The results will be used by B'N Fit as part of its program evaluation, to continue funding sources, and to shape future program design.