Expanding programs and organizational growth

Freshkills Park, NYC Dept of Parks & Recreation
Erin Gore
Iris Ramirez, Elisabeth Weir, Elizabeth Casey, Lulu Xu

At 2,200 acres, Freshkills Park in Staten Island will be nearly three times the size of Central Park and the largest park developed in the city in over 100 years. What was once the world’s largest landfill is transforming into a stunning landscape that will provide a home for art, recreation, education, and science. Freshkills Park is a symbol of renewal and an expression of how society can achieve balance with our environment. To aid the growth of Freshkills Park programming, the Capstone team designed and conducted an online survey to investigate different ideas for future educational, art, and science programs. The survey was shaped by extensive research on area park activities and landfill-to-park projects around the world. The survey was distributed across communities within Staten Island and other NYC boroughs. The team used the results of the survey to drive its program recommendations for the park.